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Buenos Aires promotes gender equality with bicycles

Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Ishika Somani

October 28, 2020

(Photo Credits: urbanmobilitydaily)

Each city represents different things to different people, but the most important thing it symbolizes is home. Buenos Aires recognized that a home isn’t a home until we reach a point where everyone, regardless of their gender or sexuality, is safe. In an effort to reach there, the implementation of the bicycle-friendly paths to the avenues Corrientes and Córdoba, completely changing the accessibility of the two most symbolic streets, creating a safer city for everyone without impeding on another’s privacy or space, according to thenextweb.

Since the advent of this, the number of bicycles have increased exponentially, by almost 44%, as calculated by thenextweb. The advance of policies and transformations have been put to place to create a safer and more equal environment, allowing everyone to have equal access to safe mobility.

According to a report on thenextweb, The initial surveys conducted portrayed an interesting fact that showed the evolution of cycle lanes had catapulted the number of women cycling, particularly in the avenues of Corrientes and Cordoba, had doubled, from 8% to 19%. This proves that the bicycle is a symbol for women globally of accessibility and freedom, which is what the country of Buenos Aires is building upon and developing.

The bicycle is a mode of transportation that is accessible to everyone, keeping their socio-economic backgrounds in mind too. An independent mode of transport that allows women to have a safe space and easy mobility without as many hindrances that public transport or walking introduce. Something that every woman and other genders factor in before stepping out of the house involves their choice in clothing, planning routes to avoid unsafe areas, making longer journeys to ensure their safety, spending more money, or the time in which they want to travel.

Understanding the differences between the ability of a man versus any other gender, especially in reference to transport, travelling or mobility, plays a massive role in cementing public policies that affect a person’s accessibility.

The Gender and Mobility Plan targetted the gender based discrimination in reference to trasnport and mobility environment, but also employment, and awareness of gender inequality and discrimination.

As gender based violence comes into play, Buenos Aires has noted that a massive portion of the women population make trips on foot or via public transport. The pandemic has systematically emphasized on the gender inequality in this avenue, leading the country to recognize this and build towards a city that doesn’t hinder anyone or force them to compromise on their safety, regardless of their gender.

Sources: (thenextweb, urbanmobilitydaily)

Edited by: Shreya Gupta and Aditya Das

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